10 Reasons To Donate Blood


1. Blood transfusions save lives.

2. There's no substitute for human blood.

3. Every three seconds, someone needs a blood transfusion.

4. About 60 percent of the population are eligible to donate blood, yet less than five percent do.

5. A pint of blood, separated in to components, can help up to three people.

6. You'll make your community a safer place.

7. Fulfills your desire to "give back" to the community.

8. You'll receive a mini physical (blood pressure, temperature, iron level).

9. You'll learn your blood type.

10. It's safe, simple and it saves lives.

Top 10 Reasons People Don't Give Blood

A Good Reason To Donate Blood: One patient's story


Emma said...

Great reasons, there is no better reason to give blood than to save a life. You don't have to be a doctor to save someone's life.