10 Reasons Why You Should Date a Fat Girl

10 Reasons Why You Should Date a Fat Girl

Here you go girls. One from your own kind. Infighting within the female of the species. MEOW!!!

10 Reasons why you should date a fat girl

I'm tired of seeing really ugly thin women with nice looking guys. What about us cute fat girls? Wouldn't you rather be with a pretty girl? You can work on the fat, but you can't work with ugly...

1. If you take the fat away from the fat girl, she'll be fucking smoking;you take the skinny from the skinny chick...she'll still look like an ugly ass horse.

2. You might not be able to pick her up, but she can PICK you up.

3. No more blankets.

4. Larger mouth capacity.

5. She'll let you eat beef--she'll probably eat most of it.

6. This is cliche, but "more cushion for the pushin".

7. She's probably an emotional wreck, so if you show her the least bit attention, she'll be at your beck and call.

8. Bear hugs.

9. Let me repeat, larger mouth capacity.

10. Economy size. More is Better. Bigger is better.

So if you find any of this humorous, or would like to add on to this post, please comment.

I'm sure i'll be inundated with hate mail, so to all the haters out there, Bring it!

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Anonymous said...

fat gurlzz smells :D :D

Anonymous said...

you go girl =)

Anonymous said...

fat girls are the best big girls=big tits ass and big appettites for meat
i got a tit job where even my 10 inch got hidden

Anonymous said...

The girl in the pic isn't fat!!!!!!!!!!!!! She just has big hips!!! I'm curvy but I'm not the least bit over weight!

Noor H said...

"7. She's probably an emotional wreck, so if you show her the least bit attention, she'll be at your beck and call."

Omg!!! LOL!!!
I'm FAT my BMI is 31, and I'm an emotional girl!!
I'm gonna spread this via E mail, I like it!!


Anonymous said...

im a thinner girl. im healthy but i have a big ass and tiny boobs so i LOOK like a pear but im only 130.
i liked this but im confused... if i look heavy and im not where do i fall??

Anonymous said...

i am a fat girl and i LOVE the list. its all in fun so no big deal. if you can't laugh at urself the world will still laughs at you anyways. happy holidays!!

Unknown said...

You know, speaking as a fat girl, I kinda enjoy being this way. The weight weeds out most of the shallow assholes who aren't worth my time and I fill out clothes a lot better. ;)

Dan_Wilson_IS said...

1 - So I should control my g/f? I want my g/f to be who she is I'm not going to take anything away from her, unless that's what she wants. I've tried, it always ends with fighting and usually the girl cries.

2 - Literally? That would be kinda fun.

3 - I don't get this one... like when you're cuddling? I kinda like the blanket... I think I'm missing it.

4 - lol, well I guess if big girls like 'beef' more that's definitely a +. I think I might have taken that point differently being a guy...

5 - Good, as a chef I like girls who eat.

6 - Stupid cliche. Not always true. It depends where the fat is, I've seen some of the most truly ugly girls with all the fat ending up at their belly...

7 - I don't want an emotionally unstable g/f who wants me to call her all the time and who's life revolves around me.

8 - YAY!!

9 - Um... okay, that's worth two points.

10 - Eh, personal opinion. If this is referring to boobage, then I would have to say true.

So fat girls get a 5/10... I've dated a few fat girls and they aren't all emotional wrecks some are perfectly fine with themselves so I'm going to go ahead and change 7 to a second 'she actually eats' cause the only guys who are into a girl described in 7 are sociopaths and abusive guys. So: 6/10

Fun blog, would read more.

Anonymous said...

1. Haha I hate when fat girls say that skinny girls have no personality or are ugly just to make themselves feel better.

2. Like dating the Hulk.

3. Blankets are nice.

4. Not necessarily.

5. Guys can be vegetarian/vegan too, stereotype.

6. Skinny girls can have fat asses too, I'm proof. ;]

7. Anyone can be an emotional wreck.

8. Hmmm.

9. Mouth size is not related to waist size.

10. More is not better when you're talking about health problems.

Anonymous said...

You left out the most obvious one... They're freakin sexy !
I don't call them 'fat girls'... just 'desirable women' :)

Anonymous said...

im a fat girl and i have a bf and he is AMAZING we have sex 5 times a day im 17 and hes 18 and im prego with our daughter she is gona be so cute... i love him so much and we are so happy to be having her soon

Anonymous said...

Big girls give really good head and they love driving a man wild just using their mouth

Anonymous said...

I banged a Big Girl from behind so hard once, that a fat roll rolled right up her back and smashed her on the back of her head so hard that it knocked her cheeseburger out of her hand.....lol