10 Reasons To Bboycot 2008 Olympic Games in Communist China

Ten Reasons Why the Free World with The Leadership of America Must Boycott the 2008 Olympic Games in Communist China
By Demetrius Klitou

1. Human rights are practically non-existent in Communist China Religious persecution, imprisonment and murder of non-violent political dissidents, torture, organ harvesting and sentences to hard labour are widespread.

2. The lack of freedom of the press and safety risks for foreign reporters Many foreign websites are banned from being visited within China, foreign reporters are prohibited from interviewing anyone without previous permission from the government, and the content of all broadcasting is severely restricted. Foreign news media reporters have been arrested and sentenced to prison under vague and wide-reaching security laws.

3. The 1980 Olympic Games in Communist Russia were boycotted by 64 states, under the leadership of the U.S. Beijing is not any different from Moscow in 1980, which was also the capital of a Communist police state.

4. Communist China constantly threatens to attack Taiwan China's government passed a law that explicitly calls for military intervention in response to any intention by the democratic government of Taiwan to declare independence. Military manoeuvres indicate that the Communists' military is preparing to enforce this law.

5. Beijing has the most polluted air in the world Studies and satellites photos have proven that Beijing suffers from extremely high nitrogen
dioxide levels, vitally dangerous to the health of the athletes.

6. China is plagued by widespread social, political, and economic unrest A surge in huge land grabs and forced evictions by the Chinese government for reasons of economic expansion and Olympic Games preparations have sparked thousands of protests. The government has murdered hundreds of protesters.

7. The Chinese have been bribing and threatening large numbers of members of the International Olympic Committee A number of U.S. Representatives, for example, Congressman Tom Lantos, have stated this on national television.

8. A boycott has some potential to serve as a strategy to encourage human rights in China Only the greedy and foolish global elite think this is true the other way around.

9. Holding the Olympic Games in Communist China contradicts the Olympic Charter The Olympic Charter defines the philosophy of Olympism as the "respect for universal fundamental ethical principles" and its goal of promoting "a peaceful society concerned with the preservation of human dignity."

10. Don't repeat the errors of 1936 when Nazi Germany was allowed to host the Olympic Games The Olympic Games will give Communist China the same propaganda tool Nazi Germany enjoyed. Not since 1936 have the ideals of Olympics been so trampled upon.

Demetrius Klitou is the author of the book The Friends and Foes of Human Rights, available at www.ebookmall.com. He holds a BA in International Area Studies and a MA in Diplomatic Studies. He will be pursuing a LL.M. in Public International Law at Leiden University. Published June 28, 2006 by the China Support Network (CSN). Begun as the American response group in 1989, CSN represents Americans who are "on the side" of the students in Tiananmen Square - standing for democratic reform, human rights, and freedom in China.

For dissident news; to support a stronger China policy; or get more information, see http://www.chinasupport.net.

10 Reasons To Love Sports


Anonymous said...

Six Reasons Why the Free World Must Boycott the 2010 Olympic Games in Vancouver.
1) Political dissidents are forced to watch the Sedins endlessly cycle the puck along the boards.
2) Calgary in '88 did not have any real snow. Most people hate Calgary for being A: a total and complete shithole and B: full of arrogant, innumerate hockey fans who think 1 > 5. Similarly, Vancouver/Whistler has about a 1/5 chance of having real snow in 2010, is an over-crowded, over-rated crack den and is full of arrogant, Luongo-loving morons who celebrate their two Stanley Cup LOSING teams like they were the '76-77 Canadiens.
3)By the time 2010 rolls around, Alberta will have separated and B.C. will have been absorbed as part of the Pacific Northwest. So it won't even be a Canadian Olympiad. It'll be another American one. And everybody hates the f***in Americans.
4) Vancouver has the most rainfall in the entire world, causing such popular maladies as leaky condo crisis and Petri Skriko Syndrome.
5) Olympic Games preparations have sparked numerous protests. The government would like to jail or preferably kill these protesters. Especially ones who desecrate flags featuring the five coloured onion rings.
6)British Columbia has been bribing large unions not to strike until at least a week after the games are over by handing out 4-5 year labour deals, costing taxpayers needless billions that aren't counted on the books when it comes to tallying how badly we're getting f***ed.